
If your current keyboard is just not doing it for you, it’s time to go for shopping. We don’t really think much when buying a keyboard and end up buying a really simple one. However, purchasing a better keyboard can bring a huge change in your typing experience and give you extra shortcut keys like play, pause, volume up, down as well. Here, we will help you to learn about the things you should watch out for when purchasing one. Choosing the Right Keyboard If you are looking for an adjustable keyboard that can be tilted easily or adjusted at the right height easily, go for ergonomic keyboards that include a wrist rest as well. However, if you like the laptop style keys in a keyboard, you might not like these ergonomic ones as most of them include traditional raised keys. For laptop like keyboards, look for keyboards with chiclet style keys like the keyboards from Apple. If you are not a gamer and don’t worry much about fast responsiveness, you can think about purchasing wireless keyboards too. Another feature to look for is backlit keys. If you work mostly at night and it gets difficult to see the keys at night, it’s a backlit keyboard you are looking for. For those with multiple devices, it will be a good idea to look for a portable Bluetooth keyboard which can be used with multiple devices like tablet, laptop and smartphones as well. If you are a gamer, you can look for keyboards with extra keys like the Logitech G19. Now that you know a thing or two about keyboards, all you have to do is start looking for one.
Category details on pricena
The Keyboards category on pricena has more than 686 products and 119 brands ,sold by 31 Stores. The prices of Keyboards in Dubai, UAE range from AED 9 to AED 3699. The most popular brands are Logitech, Razer, Microsoft, Apple, Corsair. You can refine the search results of Keyboards products by using advanced filters by brand, price range, store, .. The most popular Keyboards products on pricena are Razer BlackWidow X Chroma Keyboard, Razer BlackWidow Tournament Edition Chroma, Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Type, Microsoft Designer Bluetooth Desktop Keyboard, Microsoft Surface PRO 4 Keyboard. By comparing prices before you buy, you can achieve Average savings in this category of AED 39 and up to AED 259.
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